The Anglican Church of St. Thomas, Kefalas
The Anglican Church of St. Thomas, Kefalas

The Anglican Church of St. Thomas is situated in the village of Kefalas, about 30 kms east of Chania, in the Apokoronou region of Crete. The nearest town is Vamos, about 4.5 km west of Kefalas.
The Church is a left turn off the Vamos - Kefalas road, as you approach the village.There is parking adjacent to the Church or in the nearby village square
To make contact , you can either email us on creteanglicans@yahoo.co.uk
or telephone
(0030) 6985 570353
The Rev. Canon D. Bruce Bryant-Scott
Assistant Chaplain, The Anglican Church in Greece
serving at St Thomas, Kefalas,
CreteMailing Address: Box 421 Gavalohori 73008, Crete,
Church/Personal Phone: +30 69855 70353
e-mail: bbryantscott@gmail.com
twitter: @bbryantscott
blog: http://brucebryantscott.wordpress.com
Contact Details:
Church Warden
Charlotte Potter
0030 697 3210 353
Church Warden
Sue Whitehouse
0030 6942 863 478
Deputy Church Warden
David Hurley
0030 6946 691 818